In the city of Barrie, Ontario, various background checks cater to various purposes such as Barrie Criminal Record Check (CRC), Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC), Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC), and RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check.
A Barrie Criminal Record Check (CRC) is used to find details on conviction records through the Canadian Police Information Center (CPIC). A Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC) is a detailed background check that discovers details on conviction records, non-conviction records, charges, warrants, etc. from official databases.
A Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) is a criminal background check that is used for specific roles in employment and volunteering where authority over the Canadian vulnerable sector is involved. VSC is used to reveal details about conviction records, non-conviction records, charges, warrants, record suspension, etc. from relevant databases.
An RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check is a fingerprint-based check that is used to find accurate details on an applicant’s criminal history. This check is usually required for immigration, adoption, etc. For this check, fingerprints on the
C-216C fingerprint card are required with adherence to the