In the city of Penticton, there are two British Columbia criminal record checks used for several purposes. These background record checks are Police Information Check (PIC) and Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector (PIC-VS). Police Information Check (PIC) is used for screening an individual at relevant posts in a workplace or volunteering agency. This involves finding relevant data on criminal backgrounds such as arrests, warrants, non-convictions, etc. via official agencies like the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), and other management systems.
Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector (PIC-VS) is more of an in-depth background check which is used for screening an individual at relevant posts in the workplace or volunteering agency which involves holding the relevant amount of power or trust over vulnerable individuals of Canada. This involves finding data extensively on certain cases and certain record suspensions as well. This is done with the help of official agencies such as the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), sex offender databanks, and other management systems.