Do I Require Notarization to Apostille My Documents?
For most documents requiring an Apostille it would be a prerequisite to go through the notarization process. Nevertheless, there are some exceptions to this generalization. In general, paperwork issued by vital statistics in Canada like birth certificates, marriage certificates, and death certificates, do not require notary services Canada.
How to Know Whether the Document Requires Online Notarization Canada?
If your document was downloaded from a portal or received as an email attachment from a, Once you share your document with us and let us know how it was received, we can better advise regarding the notarization process.
What are the Steps Involved in Notarizing Enrolment Letter from a Canadian University?
The majority of Canadian universities issue enrollment letters electronically. To notarize such documents, you must use online notary services. During the process, you have to click "share" to show your screen. It is crucial that you show them the file and go through the steps to open the document. It is a procedure that ensures the authenticity of your university-issued enrollment letters.
What is the Process of Signing or Notarizing a Power of Attorney?
We can arrange a digital notarization where you can sign the document in the presence of the notary public over the Zoom Call and then send the signed document to us to finalize the notarization. Alternatively, if you are located in the GTA, you can block a mutually available time with our notary public company and complete the signing in our office
Why Does Virtual Notarization Cost More than Regular Notarization?
Virtual notarization is usually more expensive because the notary public needs to work with you to authenticate the document remotely, which is time-consuming. Moreover, allotting different time slots for online notarization instead of conventional in-person notary services Canada is another reason for the increase in expenses.
Is a Notarized Document Acceptable Outside Canadian Borders?
The notarization of a document will not make it valid for use abroad. It usually requires the
Canadian Apostille certification. For countries that are not part of the Apostille Convention, the Authentication and Legalization process may be required.
What Makes My Document Eligible for Virtual Notarization?
For virtual notarization, clients should have an ID ready, preferably a photo ID, which they'll need to show to the notary public before the Zoom call. During the call, you must be ready with the ID because the Notary Public will ask to see it. In case the clients need to prove the document’s origin, they should be able to share the screen and access the document. It is recommended that you have the document accessible and able to sign it using a pen during the virtual session.
Does Globeia Provide In-Office Notarization?
Our notary public is mobile and is available strictly by appointment. If you wish to avail our notary services Canada, please contact us in advance and we will then coordinate a mutually convenient time with the Notary Public to complete the notarization process.
My document is notarized and I need an expedited apostille process. Can you provide this?
Yes, we can assist you with the apostille if your document is already notarized. The timeline for completion of the apostille varies between 1 to 4 weeks depending on whether the document was notarized in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, or Saskatchewan. If the document was notarized in any other province then the apostille process is quite long and can take anywhere between 8 weeks to 3 months.
My document is notarized in Quebec and needs an apostille. Can you assist?
For Quebec notarized documents, the process is slightly different. The notarized document must be certified by the Chamber of Notaries and then submitted to the Quebec Ministry for apostille. The requirements for the Chamber of Notaries in Quebec are quite extensive and we will need to review your document to confirm whether it meets them.
My document is notarized in Canada but I do not want to go through Global Affairs for the apostille, is there an alternative?
If you obtained notarized document Canada from a province other than Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Quebec, you would be required to submit it to
Global Affairs in Ottawa for the apostille which can be a painstakingly long process due to their timelines.
We can offer trustworthy notary services Canada and assist you with obtaining a fresh notarization of your document from Ontario and complete the process in a matter of a few days. Contact us to know more about Globeia notarization services in Canada.