In Port Alberni, there are two prevalent Canadian background checks - Police Information Check (PIC) and Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector (PIC-VS). The first is the Police Information Check (PIC), which consists of searching criminal records from authorized sources such as the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), to provide an individual’s criminal history. This check looks through the records of every conviction and other important information provided by the police files. Therefore, in Port Alberni, many employers and community-based organizations insist that applicants undergo a Police Information Check (PIC) while applying for a job or volunteering.
The second is termed Police Information Check with Vulnerable Sector (PIC-VS), which is aimed at people who want to work with children, aged people, or any other vulnerable people with some trust or control. This background check is done in addition to the regular criminal checks and also searches for records suspensions of specific kinds. In Port Alberni, to be granted a PIC-VS, candidates who wish to receive this are required to go to the nearest Detachment Centre where they will apply in person, thus giving these positions additional scrutiny.